Local Chiropractor Near Burwood

MVMT Sports Chiropractic is your partner in achieving optimal well-being, improved movement, and a pain-free lifestyle. We are here to help you restore mobility and live a better and more active life by focusing on tailored therapies and a commitment to your well-being.

Our Clinic

Tel: 0421 151 778


Shop 3B/9 George St, North Strathfield NSW 2137

Professional Sports Chiropractic Services Near Burwood

If you’re looking for a local chiropractor, search no further. MVMT Sports Chiropractic is strategically located near Burwood, making it readily available to residents and visitors. 

Whether you’re seeking pain relief, injury recovery, or an overall well-being boost, our experienced chiropractors near Burwood are here to help.

We recognise that each person is unique. Our experienced local chiropractors take a moment to listen to your problems, diagnose your health, and offer a comprehensive therapy plan tailored to your specific needs.

Sports & Exercise Chiropractic

Our chiropractic treatment focuses on improving athletic performance by improving your biomechanics. We help you move more efficiently and powerfully by tackling misalignments and imbalances.

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Massage + Fascial Manipulation

Discover the advantages of focused soft tissue treatments that relieve stress, increase circulation, and promote rapid recovery. Our massage and fascial manipulation therapies work with chiropractic adjustments to achieve the best outcomes.

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Laser Therapy

Use low-level laser therapy provided by our chiropractors in Burwood. This non-invasive treatment eases pain, decreases inflammation, and hastens tissue recovery, allowing you to resume your active lifestyle more quickly.

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Dry Needling

Our expert chiropractors use dry needling procedures to relieve muscle tension, improve circulation, and stimulate natural healing. Sports-related injuries can benefit greatly from this kind of treatment.

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Our extensive rehabilitation programs can help you recover faster. Our customised exercises and treatments focus on specific areas, providing a complete recovery and lowering the possibility of further injuries.

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Neuro Rehabilitation

Our neurorehabilitation services can help you regain control and movement if you're recovering from a neurological condition or trying to improve your nervous system function.

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Chiropractor body assessment

We Treat The Following Conditions:

  • Tennis elbow
  • Sprained ankle/wrist
  • Foot injuries
  • Knee problems
  • Back injuries
  • Shoulder pain
  • Shin splints
  • Spinal injuries
  • Ankle pain
  • Muscle sprains

Improve Your Lifestyle

Increased Confidence

Beyond simply treating your pain and discomfort, our chiropractic therapy gives you the confidence to embrace a new level of self-assurance that radiates from within.

Pain Relief

Chiropractic adjustments provide excellent pain relief by targeting the underlying reasons rather than concealing symptoms.

Improved Posture

Our treatments aid in addressing postural abnormalities, minimising spinal strain, and promoting long-term musculoskeletal health.

Enhanced Mobility

Get an enhanced range of motion and flexibility as we tackle joint limits and improve overall mobility.

Stress Reduction

Chiropractic care encourages relaxation and stress reduction, benefiting your health.

Better Sleep

Following chiropractic adjustments, many patients experience increased sleep quality, which promotes therapeutic rest.

Get Your Mobility Back 

MVMT Sports Chiropractic is here to help you on your road to maximum wellness and movement, whether you’re an athlete looking for optimal performance or someone wanting treatment for discomfort and pain. 

Experience the life-changing advantages of chiropractic care and move toward a healthier, more vibrant lifestyle.

Contact our Chiropractors near Burwood immediately to set up your consultation and begin your journey to greater confidence, a pain-free life, and the capacity to move around easily.


If you have any injury, pain or muscle strain as a result of sports activities or other forms of exercise, you should see a sports chiro. We can help you with joint manipulation and healthy spinal functioning to alleviate pain and reduce the risk of further injury without the use of drugs.

When you visit us at MVMT Sports Chiropractic, you can expect nothing less than friendly hospitality and quality treatment. Our sports chiro services are provided by a team of highly qualified chiropractors who are trained and experienced to assess, diagnose and treat your condition effectively. We will carefully assess your injury to determine the best approach, and we will consult with you every step of the way so you feel informed and cared for.

No, you do not have to be an athlete to see a sports chiropractor. Sports chiropractors are trained to treat a wide range of conditions, including back pain, neck pain, headaches, and muscle strains. They can also help you improve your flexibility and range of motion, which can help you stay active and prevent injuries.

Here are some of the benefits of seeing a sports chiropractor:

  • Natural pain relief: Sports chiropractors use a variety of techniques to relieve pain, including spinal manipulation, massage therapy, and acupuncture. These techniques are non-invasive and have few side effects.
  • Improved function: Sports chiropractors can help improve your range of motion, flexibility, and strength. This can help you return to your normal activities and reduce your risk of injury.
  • Prevention: Sports chiropractors can help you identify and correct any imbalances in your body that may lead to injury. This can help you stay active and healthy for life.

If you are looking for a natural, drug-free way to improve your health and well-being, consider seeing a sports chiropractor.

Sports chiropractic can help with shin splints, spinal injuries, ankle pain, muscle sprains, foot injuries, and more. Book a consultation with us for a personalised assessment of your sports injury.


Book a consultation now and prioritise your health and mobility with our friendly, expert team. We’ll have you moving again with strength and confidence.

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